Explore Our Fiberglass Watercraft Projects

Alaska Canoe Experience
Marvin Oliver is a world-renowned artist in many mediums. Being a Native American, his culture and heritage are very important to him and his family.
Marvin scanned a classic wood canoe and recreated it down to the finest detail in foam. Plans were to introduce the canoes to the bays of Ketchikan, Alaska, and these canoes are manned by Native Americans skilled in their culture. You can paddle these canoes while learning their history, hearing Native songs, and experiencing a ride of a lifetime.
Sunbacker took this Styrofoam pattern and created a car finish, keeping the close tolerances. We made a mold and several canoes from the plug to set up this canoe experience. From flotation to the carbon fiber hulls, every aspect of these canoes has been analyzed and perfected. The canoes are amazingly stable and rigid. The wood canoes were carved and perfected with each carving, and we copied these revisions with very close tolerances, recreating these masterpieces.

Sunbacker met up with Sandy to look over his imported Helocat. This Helocat was built for shorter people and needed over 34 revisions to bring this unique watercraft to Sandy’s standards. Sandy is very knowledgeable in marine design and marine workings.
Many revisions increased occupancy and strength and reduced weight. Once the revisions were completed, Sunbacker produced molds and tooling. The revised boats were produced and are in production.